This new approach to stewardship requires a large shift in the way that we think and talk about stewardship.
“Stewardship is about paying the bills.” –
Stewardship is about loving God and my neighbor.
“Stewardship is about money.” –
Stewardship is about my whole self.
“How much of what is mine should I give away?” –
How much of what is God’s should I keep for myself.
“We don’t have enough.” –
God has provided for us in abundance.
Stewardship is a matter of the heart. Our time, talent, and treasure will show us where our heart lies in our devotion to God. Stewardship as a way of life. It is not just about what is given to the congregation, but about how generous we are with all that God has entrusted to our care both inside and outside of the church walls and in our homes.
There is a new convenient and easy electronic giving method called Vanco Mobile. Please click on the Instructions document to find out how to give electronically: Vanco Mobile App for Electronic Giving Instructions