Our History

A small group of people with a vision for the future began holding Sunday School in the nearby Gates Chili Firehouse and Prayer Services at Washington Irving School.
A simple wooden church was erected on the current property.
Reverend Lyle Halvorson was called as Pastor. He remained with the congregation for nearly 20 years.
The ground was broken for the current building with its unique and inspiring stained glass window. The first service was held in June.
Reverend A. Sidney Kitts was hired and served the congregation for 25 years.
The original church building was demolished.
A new wing for classrooms, a library, and fellowship areas were started, making all levels accessible for parking lots, and the upper level for handicapped accessibility.
Our Saviour Child Development Center Daycare was established with Sharon Yackel as director. It later split off as a separate entity due to changes in the law. It continued to be housed at LCOS.
LCOS left the Missouri Synod for the ELCA.
We became a member of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America (ELCA).
The handbell choir was started.
Pastor Paul E. Shoop was hired as pastor. He served the congregation until 2003. Under his guidance the Church undertook another major building program to make its facilities handicapped accessible between floors with an elevator/lift, added daycare rooms, and a larger gathering area. A Contemporary Service was added.
We chartered the Boy Scout Troop and Pack 243 for them to hold meetings at the church.
Jerry Stich installed both an FM Broadcast and an Audio Loop for the hearing impaired.
Reverend Joachim Wilck was hired as pastor. Under his ministries many outreach services were added:
- Summer Thursday night outdoor church services.
- Alpha courses, inviting non-Christians and inquires, allowing participants to experience and learn about Christianity.
- A Prayer Shawl Ministry for service men and women as well as shut-ins and those hospitalized.
The Daycare Center was closed due to declining enrollment.
The last year for the Nursery/Pre-School.
The 8:00 a.m. Traditional Service and the Contemporary services were merged into a Modern Tradition/Contemporary Service, continuing the 11:15 a.m. Traditional Service.
A memorial flag pole was erected and dedicated in the name of Richard W. Mitchell. Surrounding the flag pole are military veteran bricks to honor our deceased and living veterans.
Pastor Wilck celebrated his 40th Anniversary of his Ordination.
The Women of the ELCA sponsored Operation Christmas Child, filling over 100 boxes sent globally to children in dire need of school and hygiene supplies, toys, and clothing.
The congregation members approved our revised constitution in the Upstate New York Synod of the ELCA. This revised Constitution eliminated the Board of Elders replacing it with the Congregational Life Committee (CLC), reporting to the Church and Community Committee.
The Congregation approved the revised By-laws of the Lutheran Church of our Saviour to make it compliant with our Constitution, the Upstate New York Synod, and the National Constitutions of the ELCA.
LCOS celebrated its 75th year serving the Lord and community.
The new bell carillon system was dedicated to the memory of Bettie Curry.
Services inside our church were discontinued due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Within 2 months services were broadcast through car radios in our parking lot for "drive-in" services. We continue to record the YouTube services and accessible via our website.
Indoor services were reinstated following CDC guidelines. Drive-in services continued to be broadcast.