At Our Church
Worship Schedule
- Holy Communion – Sundays at 10:00 a.m.
- Our parking is off the Kernwood Drive side street.
Our facility is accessible for parking and has an indoor elevator lift between floors.
We are equipped with a Hearing Aid Audio Loop for the hearing impaired.
Please set your hearing aid to T-Coil or Loop.- There is also a low-power broadcast indoors on 87.9 MH FM for the hearing impaired.
Please ask for an FM receiver, earphones, or assistance from a service leader or usher.
Pastor Joachim Wilck’s Contact Info
For Pastoral Emergencies call Pastor a t585-455-1151 or email
Our Beliefs:
- A Lutheran is a Christian—one who trusts in Jesus Christ as Savior.
- We accept the Bible as the true source of Christian love, guidance and doctrine.
- We accept the ancient creeds: Apostles’ Creed and Nicene Creed.
- We emphasize justification by faith.
- We teach that a person is not to live according to a formula of do’s and don’ts but in the freedom of Christian love.
- We do not confuse law and gospel.
The Sacrament of Holy Communion is a Christian’s DIRECT encounter with God. Christ’s body and blood are truly present and received “in, with, under” bread and wine.
Christ again comes among us to forgive our sins and help us to live truly Christian lives.
The Lutheran Church of Our Saviour is a member of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.