About Us
Our Mission
We, the members of the Lutheran Church of Our Saviour, as baptized followers of Jesus Christ, will share the Gospel through Word and Sacrament, teaching the love of God and reaching out to our local and worldwide communities.
The Lutheran Church of Our Saviour is a member of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) www.elca.org
We will do this in a way that:
- Serves the needs of all segments of our congregation and community;
- Provides special emphasis on youth and young adults;
- Strengthens the family unit;
- Supports and cares for the elderly; and
- Enriches our worship experience;
so that we foster living, expressive relationships with our Lord and our neighbors.

Our History
( also see https://oursaviourrochester.org/our-history )
Founded in 1941, The Lutheran Church of Our Saviour, in the town of Gates, first held Sunday School at the Gates-Chili Firehouse and worship services at Washington Irving School (both on Chili Avenue). In July 1944, we broke ground on our first church building at 2415 Chili Avenue. The current building, with its unique and inspiring stained glass window, was erected in 1960-1961, and new wings were added in 1968 & 2002, both for handicap accessibility and more space for gathering, youth, & meetings.